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gas constant 氣體常數。

According to dalton ' s law of partial pressures , the principle of experiment “ determination of the ideal gas constant r “ , the volume and pressure of hydrogen produced in the experiment were analyzed and discussed 摘要從道爾頓分壓定律出發,對教學實驗“理想氣體常數r的測定”中產生的氫氣的體積、分壓和該實驗的原理進行了詳細的分析和討論。

According to dalton ' s law of partial pressures , the principle of experiment “ determination of the ideal gas constant r “ , the volume and pressure of hydrogen produced in the experiment were analyzed and discussed 摘要從道爾頓分壓定律出發,對教學實驗“理想氣體常數r的測定”中產生的氫氣的體積、分壓和該實驗的原理進行了詳細的分析和討論。

gas current

In chapter 2 , the meteorological knowledge , data and the methods of the data processing , related to the study on the atmospheric loads , are simply presented . the model for the perfect gas constant , describes by the relative moisture , is developed . the influences of the variation in the vapor component in the atmosphere on the perfect gas constant are evaluated by using the changing characteristics of the temperature on the surface , its spatial gradient and the barometric pressure 第二章:簡要介紹大氣負荷研究所需的氣象科學知識、資料及其數據處理方法;建立相對濕度表示的大氣比氣體常數模型,利用地面溫度和空間垂直溫度梯度、壓力變化的規律估算大氣水汽組分變化對比氣體常數的影響;對中國及鄰區的地面氣壓記錄進行了預處理和網格化

According to dalton ' s law of partial pressures , the principle of experiment “ determination of the ideal gas constant r “ , the volume and pressure of hydrogen produced in the experiment were analyzed and discussed 摘要從道爾頓分壓定律出發,對教學實驗“理想氣體常數r的測定”中產生的氫氣的體積、分壓和該實驗的原理進行了詳細的分析和討論。

For a ball domain and a constant angular velocity , both existence theorem and non - existence theorem are also obtained by using the time - maping method , depending on the adiabatic gas constant r 其中,在球形區域中有以下一些結果:我們通過打靶法得到了,當角速度是常數時,方程組( 0 . 1 )解的存在性和非存在性。而且該解依賴于絕熱常數。

Molar gas constant 摩爾氣體常數

Universal gas constant 普遍氣體常數

Conventional gas constant 通用氣體常數